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  1.  ARTICLE VI COMMITTEES 1. There shall be ten (10) standing committees of the Association and such special temporary committees as the President deems necessary. All standing committees shall consist of a chairman and a minimum of two (2) members at least one of whom is an At-Large Director. Furthermore, every At-Large Director shall be required to be an active member of at least one standing Committee at all times.   (Bylaws as amended thru 6-18-2022) A temporary subcommittee of the Lake is the Dam Committee. 


     2.  All Committee Chairmen shall submit reports at Board meetings.


     3.  All Committee Chairmen shall prepare a statement of the committee’s financial needs for the coming  year and

         submit it to the Finance Committee at the Board meeting in August (presented May 21, 2022,  passed June 18, 2022)


Standing Committees:

A.   Finance:

Carol Gillen, Chair, John Carroll, Dan Murphy, Alla Piltser


B.  Membership/Nominations/Elections:

John Weber, Chair, Michael DeVita, Carolyn Kalinich, Kathy Zimmermann


C.  Program/Youth:

Valerie Mithcell, tempy Chair,  Jacqueline Kaiser,  Wendy Wishnie-Orlansky


D.  Clubhouse:

John Weber, Chair,  Valerie Mitchell, Jim Walter


E.  Lake:

Carol Reynolds, Chair, Ralph Cozzolino, Chet Dawson, Pat Dawson, Jacqueline Kaiser, Scott Rando, Wendy Wishnie-Orlansky, Peter Wulfhurst, Ed Zimmermann


Dam (subcommittee of lake):

Ed Zimmermann, Chair, Carol Reynolds, John Rolando, John Weber


F.  Road:

Michael DeVita, Acting Chair, Daniel Duggan,  Dan Murphy, John Weber, Ed Zimmermann


G. Planning:

John Rolando, Chair, Carol Gillen, Janice DiMaio,  John Weber


H.  Legal:  in conjunction with Attorney John Stieh

Mario Aieta, Michael DeVita, Dan Murphy, John Rolando


I.  Communication:

  Kimberly Riccardi, Chair, Michael DeVita, Bob Fisher


J.  Rules and Regulations:

John Rolando, Acting Chair, Chet Dawson, Michael DeVita, Carol Gillen


K. Security:

John Weber, Acting Temporary Chair


L.  Beach and Grounds

Doug Guercia, Chair, Thomas Crenny,  Ralph Cozzolino, Janice DiMaio, Steve DiMaio, Bill Mays, Maryann Muschlitz, Brian Reynolds, Bill Savarese


Updated  May 11, 2024

WLLA Committee List with Chairpersons and Members

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